Saturday, September 5, 2015

It's September!!

Labor Day weekend and after this most schools will be back from summer vacation.  It seems like schools are going back earlier and earlier and it's no different in Arizona.  Most schools are back at school at the beginning of August.  Even though it's only been a month it's been busy for me.  I just started a new job teaching online and it's been a big learning curve.  I'm enjoying the challenge though and love the people I'm working with.  Anyway, a new month means a new currently and I love linking up with them so here is my currently.

Listening-  I love Netflix and my current show I love is Hawaii 5-0 the current one (although I love the older version as well)

Loving- I love my job but it's nice to have a 3 day weekend.  I'm looking forward to relaxing and recharging

Organizing- My constant quest is to get better organized at home and at school.  I just bought a new computer and printer and scanner so I'm looking forward to some time to set things in place and get better organized.

Wanting- I really want to spend some time working on lesson plans this weekend, and getting caught up with work

Needing- More balance in my life- More health and fitness, more fun, more laughter.  I love my job and the challenge of it, but there's always something to do and improve upon but it won't do me any good if I don't take care of myself.

3 goals-
1) Maintaining balance- I've been better this year but when things start getting crazy busy I put off my health and fitness and that's just wrong.  I need movement now more than ever since I'm working from a cubicle at work.  I'm looking forward to cooler weather and hopefully walking a bit during my lunch hour.
2) Health and fitness-  Regular workouts, cooking more and eating more fruits and veggies and foods that aren't processed.
3) Blogging more- I always have high hopes each month for doing more blogging.  I love to write and want to get more active in the blogging world.  Also getting more proficient with technology.

Anyway, September means cooler weather and hopefully that'll happen soon.  I'm tired of warm weather.  Come join the fun at Oh Boy Fourth Grade and tell us what your doing currently.

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