Sunday, September 15, 2013

September Sunday Social

Happy Sunday Social day!

Once again I am linking up with Neely and Ashley for their Sunday Social.

This Weeks Questions:
1. What is the name if your blog?   Resource Room Rules

2. What do you love most about blogging?  I love writing, and connecting with other teacher bloggers who are passionate about their careers, as well as learning about other things such as photography, travel and cooking.

3. Why did you start blogging?  I started reading some teaching blogs and was looking for special education and resource teacher blogs in general.  After reading and following so many I decided that was something I wanted to do as well.

4. What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world? Keep at it and take your time.  Join in with linky parties to get exposure and find new blogs and hopefully have other blogs find you.

5. Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had? There have been lots of different things.  Commenting on other people's blogs, as well as linky parties.  Another thing that I've learned about is participating in giveaways, as well as making and selling products.  That's another thing I'd like to learn more about.  My blog is coming up on one year and I need to figure out how to do a giveaway.

6. What are three blogs you love? 

The Lower Elementary Cottage 
The Resource(ful) Room
Heather's Heart
Next Weeks Questions:
1. What is your favorite handbag you’ve ever owned?
2. What is your dream handbag you lust over?
3. What are the daily essentials in your purse or work bag?
4. What’s in your purse (with pictures)?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome to September-Goals

This month has flow by!  It's been such a busy month getting back into the routine of school, and adjusting to my new school year.   Along with a new school year, comes new goals for me.  I'm really looking forward to the cooler weather so that I can start enjoying all the fun activities that being outdoors brings.

Personal-I need to find a good balance this year.  I don't want to let teaching consume me, and I want to make time for exercise, as well as spending more time with friends, family and my boyfriend.

Health-I really want to get in shape this year.  I'm planning on joining a gym this year so that I can get into a good routine of working out at the gym, going to yoga regularly, and once it cools down running and hiking on a regular basis.

School-I would really like to continue incorporating more technology into my classroom.  I'd like to get some ipads, ipods and maybe a smartboard.  I'm also on a constant quest to become more organized and start incorporating some of those cute pinterest ideas into my classroom.

Blog/TPT-I'd love to increase my followers, and learn about making products so that I can start selling, and earning an extra income.  I also need to start learning about hosting some giveaways since it's almost my first blogaversary!  I started this little blog last year during my fall break (October).  I don't even know where to start since I haven't started making products yet.

What are your goals for the coming school year?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Currently

Well it's hard to believe that it's a new month and time for another Currently.  It's been a pretty busy month trying to get back into the groove of teaching, and trying to keep some balance in my life. 

Anyway, it's time to link up with Farley for another Currently linky party.

Listening-I quit cable, bought a Roku and signed up for Netflix.  I most recently discovered Parenthood on Netflix and love it.  I can't wait for Season 4 to come out and Season 5 to start up again.  It would be nice to be caught up by the time the new season starts.  Only drawback is that with no cable, and using an antennae I'm not getting NBC.  

Loving- SO nice having a three day weekend and I'm totally looking forward to fall break in a month.  I love my job and my kids, but it's so nice having time off. ; )

Thinking-This is a constant quest for me.  I really need to work on getting more organized at home, and at school. 

Wanting-Some balance in my life.  This is my biggest challenge when I'm working-keeping some balance in my life.  I need to spend time taking care of myself, as well as carving out time for family and friends.

Needing-Some cooler weather here in Arizona.  SO ready for it to cool down here.  Arizona has great weather about 8-9 months out of the year, but the heat prevents me from enjoying some fun outdoors and I'm ready to get back and enjoy the great outdoors again so I can hike and take yoga classes outdoors.

Some love-I need to work on creating healthy and organic meals.  I've made some progress, but I really want to explore some good recipes this year which will help me incorporate more of a plant based diet in my life.

I also want to work out more regularly, and do more hiking once it starts getting cooler here in Arizona.

Last, but not least do a better job reconnecting with friends, and especially spend more time dancing (especially swing) since that's one of my favorite things to do.

Come out and join the fun and find out what everyone else is doing Currently!

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