Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's time for February Currently

Wow, where has the time gone?  So hard to believe it's February and another Currently!  January flew by.  I've been adjusting to life without a student teacher.  We've fallen behind in testing new kids, so we have to ramp it up and start doing a lot of initials, plus my annuals and finishing up my re-evals.  It's going to be a very busy few months.  I don't feel like I've been doing a good job of keeping up with my resolutions of getting more organized and getting into a regular exercise.  I work out once or twice a week.  I'd really like to do at least four days a week and either walk or run on some of those days.  So hard to stay motivated!  Plus, I have some challenging kids this year, so I've been really trying to revamp my routine and learn how to effectively implement Class Dojo into my daily routine.  It's getting better, but it's still been rough.  Anyway, I'm linking up with Farley for this month's  Currently!

I saw an amazing movie called Chasing Ice!  If you have a chance go see it.  Now I'm hope relaxing and watching tv as I plan for the week.

I'm loving having a new projector in my classroom.  It's not my own, but one I've checked out and I've finally starting Class Dojo, which has helped me revamp what I'm doing with my students for behavior management and motivation.  Now, I want to work on getting a Smart Board, or Ipad for our classroom.  Our principal just told us that she has a lot of extra money from title one funds and can make a wish list of things we want.

I'm still working on getting organized with my classroom and my life.  I'm feeling so behind on everything, not with planning, but I'd really like some time to catch up with my life.

Last, but not least I really get irritated with people that cross randomly across major streets, especially when there is an intersection nearby.  It's becoming a big problem where I live (in Arizona).  Some people don't even pay attention, notice or care that there are cars coming they just cross.  So unsafe!  It's worse when they take kids across.


  1. I don't have a class of my own, per say, but I do a lot of co-teaching. I've suggested class dojo for a couple of the teachers (based on all the good stuff I hear/see on blogger and Pinterest), and they'd never heard of it. They have SmartBoards, is it super easy to get started and use?

    We are ALL Special!

  2. Oh I'm excited for you that there is extra money for technology. There are so many great apps out there for teaching.

  3. I've been playing around with Class Dojo...not sure how I feel about it yet. I DEFINITELY want an iPad or 2 or 30 in my classroom! I hope you get some great stuff with your Title I funds!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  4. I am happy for you to be getting a smartboard or any technology in your classroom. We have mimeos and you can use the smartboard program. The kids love it!Let me know how the class dojo goes. I have never heard of it but good luck!!

  5. I definitely need a "catch-up" organizing day too! I never feel like I am done!


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