Thursday, January 10, 2013

Class Dojo

Well I was finally able to get Class Dojo set up for my classes and started it today.  I found out that I can check out a projector and have one set up in my room until they are able to install one in my classroom.  The program worked really well for the most part and really helped with one group of kids that have been challenging.  For all but one, it was a huge motivation to follow directions and stay on task.  The other student, just wouldn't follow directions at first, but settled down a little bit after I had a private talk with her.  She wasn't doing her work, but at least she wasn't being disruptive.  One potential problem I can foresee is a frustration when they lose a point, at least for some kids.  I don't want them to be frustrated and give up.  Anyway, I'm going to keep using it and see how it goes, because a lot of teachers talk about how wonderful it is.  I also started getting ideas from them about rewards they can earn and what they want to work at.

Otherwise, I'm really excited about having a projector in my classroom and I'm looking forward to playing some videos for students.  I'm familiar with Brain pop, any other suggestions?  I'm looking forward to implementing more technology in my classroom.  I really wish I could get some more technology such as smart boards and I pads.

I'd love to hear what others are doing, how they're using it and implementing it in their classrooms and any tips and tricks you have for the program.

Happy Thursday everyone!!


  1. Hey there! In my class I actually gave up on the negative points for the most part for the same reason you mentioned. Also, I really want kids to focus on the desired behaviors instead of the ones that drive me crazy. Now I only take away points for a really big thing or when a kid needs a big nudge to change their behavior the other way.

    1. Thanks Lisa! I may try it. Especially with this group. They loved the positives, but I'm not sure how the negatives will go over. I may save it for the big things, and be generous with the positives.

  2. I have one group that I use it with. They love it and have stopped driving me crazy. It has become a great way to track group points.

  3. Hi Jacqui - Kalen from ClassDojo here. Thank you so much for taking the time to post about us - our small team here at ClassDojoHQ really appreciates the support! Love the idea from Lisa - let us know how it goes!

    If anyone who comes across this post has any questions for us or needs help getting set up with their free account, please don't hesitate to reach out at Cheers :)


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