Personal-I'm going to continue working on eating more vegetables and fruits. I also need to continue to exercise 4-5 days a week.
Organization- I want to continue to work on managing the piles of paperwork in my classroom, as well as revamping my process for tracking goals for progress reports. I'd love to incorporate it into my lesson planning as well. How do you track your goals for progress reports?
Planning-My goal is to do more individualizing in my classroom. So I'd like to work on creating more centers for my students.
Professional-More technology, using ipads and ipods, maybe even a smart board. What are your technology must haves?
Students- I really want to focus on increasing their independence both in my classroom and the general education classroom.
Motto- Balance!! Once school starts, taking care of myself falls by the wayside. I need to work on exercising more often.
What are your goals for August? When do you go back to school?
Balance! That's a great one. I think being a wife, mom, and teacher is always a balancing act. I hope to get better at it this year, too.
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