Sunday, December 9, 2012

Resources for students with learning disabilities

A learning disability is a neurological disorder that impedes the ability to learn in a typical manner.  Children or adults with learning disabilities have average or above average ability, and it usually effects math skills or language including reading, writing, of expressing and understanding language.  Sometimes it's a mixture of all three.  It's not something that can be cured or fixed, however they can learn specific strategies that will help alleviate their weaknesses.

Some of the most common learning disabilities are:
* dyslexia-is a language based disability in which a person has difficulty understanding the written word.
* dyscalculia-a mathematical disability in which a person has difficulty solving math problems.
* dysgraphia-a writing disability in which a person has difficulty with written language.
* auditory and visual processing disorders-a difficulty processing information visually and or through auditory means
* non-verbal learning disabilities -have difficulty recognizing and understanding non-verbal cues.
  The first is The Learning Disability Association.  This association offers resources and support for people that have learning disabilities-both children and adults, as well as parents, teachers and other professionals.

LD Online is another resource.  It also offers a lot of information about learning disabilities for parents and professionals.

The International Dyslexia Association is dedicated to the study and treatment of learning disabilities, and dyslexia, as well as other language based learning differences.

National Center for Learning Disabilities  is another support for children with learning disabilities. 

ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is not a learning disability, but often appears concurrently with students that have learning disabilities.
Help for children and adults can find support at Children and  Adults with Attention Defiicit Hyperactivity Disorder otherwise known as  CHADD.

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